Thursday, 30 October 2014

3D Rigging Systems Wk7: Expressions and Set driven keys

Expressions are a more advanced method of rigging and involve a basic knowledge of scripting, it is generally only used when the desired effect can be accomplished by no other means or for more complicated interactions between controllers and objects.

For this model I will be using an expression to control the front and rear suspension of the car body, I will use a controller and the translation of said controller in the Y axis will drive a rotation in each respective axle in the car. For example the Front suspension controller will rotate around the rear axle to cause the nose of the car to go up and down and vice versa for the rear suspension.

A set driven key is a similar device as an expression but can be used solely for allowing an attribute of one object to influence another. For the car I will be using a Boolean SDK to toggle the visibility of a set of spotlight objects hidden in the headlights of the car using a controller.

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